Sunday, October 17, 2010


While reading a few select chapters from the MGRP book by Camille A. Allen, I felt as though I was better able to understand what our finished classroom projects will look like.  I really enjoyed reading about how the children got so excited when assigned these projects!  It is so great when teachers can find a project for students to work on that develops both their reading and writing skills.  The idea I love most about this project for young children is that it is developed over a three month period and the children are responsible for self evaluating.  I believe that if children are serious about their work this can essentially be a wonderful idea.  Without a teacher standing over them, children will be much more relaxed and able to focus on their work.  I know when I am working on a paper, such as the one I was writing earlier, I am unable to find enjoyment in my research because I am consumed with worry about my grade.  I don't want my future students to become overwhelmed with an A and become unable to enjoy their research.  Through the readings of the chapters, I have decided I really like the idea of the MGRP because it encompasses many different skills necessary for children to develop! 

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